Our Application Process Has 3 Phases

Fill out our online application for internship.

Schedule an interview for further screening.

Finalize your paperwork and work schedule.
Internship Requirements
For Students

- This internship program requires a 4-month minimum commitment, working 12 to 32 hours per week, in 4+ hour time blocks. You can choose your schedule from Monday through Saturday, between the hours of 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Pacific Standard Time. Modifications may be approved.
- You must be responsible, honest, reliable, ethical, dependable, attentive to detail, and committed to learn.
- You must be fluent in English with ability to read and write in English.
- You must be skilled in Microsoft applications and quick to learn new technology.
- Must be self-motivated and have the desire to personally benefit from the investment of your time.
- Must have no criminal history. Only applicants with clean background checks will be considered.
For SkillBridge

DoDI 1322.29 lists general eligibility requirements as:
- Service members may participate within 180 days of being discharged or released from active duty and service members must have served 180 continuous days on active duty.
- Approval authority rests with the first field grade commander authorized to impose non-judicial punishment under Article 15 of the UCMJ in the service member’s chain of command.
- Such commanders may approve or disapprove participation by a service member based upon unit mission requirements.
It is strongly recommended that service members complete mandatory components of the DOD Transition Assistance Program (TAP) prior to starting a SkillBridge program to ensure that they are well informed of their post-service options prior to entering this program. Services and/or commands may require that all mandatory components of TAP are complete before participating in SkillBridge. In addition, service members will need to make a plan for final out-processing, terminal leave, and permissive leave. Each service and/or command provides specific guidance. See the Resource page.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are seeking academic credits, you will need to meet with your school internship counselor for the appropriate paperwork and deadlines. Please provide the paperwork with a 1 week advanced time allowance.
SkillBridge is an opportunity for Service members to gain valuable civilian work experience through job training, employment skills training, apprenticeship, and internship opportunities during the last 180 days of military service prior to release from active duty. DOD SkillBridge connects service members with industry partners and real-world job experiences that are designed to aid the service member in finding meaningful and gainful employment after discharge. The duration of a DOD SkillBridge program must not be more than 180 days and must occur during a participating service member’s last 180 days on active duty in accordance with guidance described in DoDI 1322.29.
Interested service members can ask questions about participation by contacting their installation SkillBridge point of contact; the SkillBridge POC may be in the transition assistance office, education office, or other installation support office. Additional information about how to start the process and your services specific guidance for applying to SkillBridge may be found in How to participate.
DoDI 1322.29 lists general eligibility requirements as:
- Service members may participate within 180 days of being discharged or released from active duty and service members must have served 180 continuous days on active duty.
- Approval authority rests with the first field grade commander authorized to impose non-judicial punishment under Article 15 of the UCMJ in the service member’s chain of command.
- Such commanders may approve or disapprove participation by a service member based upon unit mission requirements.
It is strongly recommended that service members complete mandatory components of the DOD Transition Assistance Program (TAP) prior to starting a SkillBridge program to ensure that they are well informed of their post-service options prior to entering this program. Services and/or commands may require that all mandatory components of TAP are complete before participating in SkillBridge. In addition, service members will need to make a plan for final out-processing, terminal leave, and permissive leave. Each service and/or command provides specific guidance. See the Resource page.
The interested service member must gain approval from his or her unit commander. Specifically, the service member must seek approval from the first commander in his or her chain of command in the pay grade of O-4 or above.
Yes. The SkillBridge program recognizes that onboarding activities allow SkillBridge participants to learn about an organization and prepare them to be productive and successful in a civilian career.
Yes. The assigned unit/command retains responsibility of the service member while they participate in a SkillBridge program. In some instances, SkillBridge program managers may be able to assist units/commands in monitoring service members. However, program managers cannot replace or assume the administrative, ethical, or legal responsibilities of the service member’s commander.
DOD SkillBridge programs provide eligible service members with job training and career development opportunities to acquire employment skills, knowledge, and/or abilities to assist service members with job opportunities in the civilian sector. DOD SkillBridge industry partners’ training programs must offer a high probability of post-service employment with the industry partner or other employers in a field related to the opportunity. However, DOD SkillBridge participants are not entitled to a job with the specific industry partner as a result of completing the DOD SkillBridge program.
Trusted American Insurance Agency is a national Field Marketing Organization headquartered in Roseville, CA. We specialize in helping insurance agents sell Medicare and grow their business.
Trusted American Insurance Agency, Inc. & Subsidiaries is a distinguished leader in the insurance brokerage industry and a trusted provider of government contract services on a national scale, it is headquartered in Roseville, CA.
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